He treaded softly but deftly in the dark through the jungle. Soon he reached the clearing he was briefed about. It was a stone house amid a jungle. In the darkness that surrounded – only the dimly lit windows glowed.
He adjusted the specially engineered shades that allowed him to see details in the dark – clearly…
He counted the men on guard – about ten of them – according to the intelligence received; this was supposed to be a group of thirty five hard core terrorists, infiltrated to create trouble. His mission was to eliminate them all.
Stealthily – he moved in for the kill. He craftily used his ugly knife to eliminate the guard. He knew the map of the structure which he had studied over and over using the satellite pictures and 3D structure simulation.
He started to plant, timed high intensity explosives at strategic points of the structure to ensure complete demolition. Once finished, he stealthily retreated to the dense enclosure of the jungle, about 25 feet away.
He patiently bid his time. He had timed the explosives to go off at the dawn thus minimizing the location detection by any of their other groups – this would make it difficult to be observed by normal eyes in the faint light and the mist of the dawn. He knew, the jungle was infested with many terrorist hideouts – yet unknown to the intelligence.
He looked at his watch as the first shade of dawn started to appear on the eastern horizon. His eyes were fixed on the main door of that structure, his sniper gun ready to shoot anyone who tried to escape. He looked at his watch and smiled even as he mentally started the countdown to the blast.
Ten… Nine… Eight… his gun was ready, aimed steadily, his finger on the trigger – ready to shoot. He heard the main door open… Seven… Six… Five… he looked in disbelief when he heard a lilting laughter… Four… Three… Two… One… Booooooom!!
All he could see were huge flames and debris flying around which was the result of the series of the high intensity explosions and a cloud of dust as the structure crumbled down.
Through all this – he could see – a pair of innocent eyes – seemingly asking him a simple question … WHY ???
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