I was sitting and watching PD. He was not speaking a word and looked grim. Finally, he looked at me getting bored and I thought he would now be in his natural element but I was shocked when he gazed at me intently. This is not natural him. He is romantic but the way he looked at me intently made me feel awkward.

“Do you feel awkward?” he asked me still looking at me intently, “I want you to think of those girls who have been raped and murdered by inhuman bastards.” I could see the grief, the concern and the anger in his eyes.

I know PD well enough to understand that when he writes or reads any book, he gets deeply attached to the main characters of the book and falls in love with the lead lady who is of some substance and I could feel he was thinking of some story.

What I didn’t know was he was talking about a story he wrote when he was young. I can only imagine the way of life then. He handed over a neatly bound thick book and asked me to read it.

I reached home and I kept thinking about the thick spiral bound sheets and was considering it as a task that was huge and I didn’t want to earn his displeasure by not reading it. I finished the dinner and looked at the colossal task ahead of me.

To tell you the truth, I couldn’t sleep that night. He had titled it Virtual Schizophrenia and it was based on a true incident that happened in March 1990. It was a horrible incident and he wanted to provide a poetic justice to the girl who was horribly murdered out of one sided love.

I started reading the story and found the story interesting. It had the element of teeny boppy romance much to my surprise and given the time this book was written, the world seemed so different. Obviously, he was a teenager when he wrote this story.

Chaits (Chaitanya) as always is the main lead character in this story. I loved all his friends who have been portrayed in the story – they are like normal friends we see around and the fun moments which we can imagine depending on the friend circle we have. All in all people like us.

The characterization of other characters is also well written and the character of Vicky does make you feel a bit nervous. He is one of the main villains of the story. He and his friends raised a concern whenever I read about them in the story.

What I like most is PD was creative when he wrote this story and still is creative. His unexpected ways of putting scenes and giving the twists to his story impresses me. I can say he has tried his best to give the justice to the girl in the story when she gets horribly murdered.

Obviously, AI has made the difference as of today when we look at the scenes and I was quite impressed with the way he could have thought of methods when AI was not even in dreams of people. I should say futuristic way of thinking.

When I met him again, I was telling him of all the things I liked in this story. That’s the time he told me that this was the first book he had written towards the end of 1990s and it had taken him almost a decade to finish it.

When I asked him why he didn’t publish it then, he told me about all the roadblocks he encountered for publishing it. The main problem was to type out all the pages he had written and he knew that it was going to be a thick book. He didn’t have any publishers at that time and he had kept the handwritten book as it was.

I am glad that finally his first book has seen the light of the day, though it’s on Kindle as an eBook. I don’t know if he will try publishing a paperback. But, I want to see a paperback of this book. It is a wonderful story with lot of characters we see around.

I would like to tell girls that it feels good when someone gets attracted to you. Makes you feel proud that you have a personality that can attract guys and make them feel romantic towards you.

However, you may not know if the guy who is attracted to you could be a psycho. Be sure that you keep your parents, family and friends informed of any such attraction you observe.

Parents of Daughters – please make sure that your daughter is able to freely share her thoughts and relate such instances where a person gets attracted to her.

Else we would not have seen the incidents like Nirbhaya happening around. Do read this book, it’s entertaining. He has kept the price of the book as low as Amazon could afford.

It is priced at Rs 101.00 lesser than what we spend for burgers and other simple daily expenses.

In simple words this story can be explained as a poetic justice and revenge for a girl who is brutally murdered by few goons. What I liked about this story is each of the main character be it good, bad or ugly has been deeply defined and we can imagine them. The characters of Priti and Alisha are endearing.

The Kindle link to the book is as given below:

India : https://amzn.in/d/c2d7ilE

International : https://a.co/d/4pWNpgO

For other stories and write-ups do keep visiting the website.

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