I had a strange vision. A young girl, who was about in her late teens, who had dyed her curly hair blondish was looking around in terror…
It was a hot summer and I was on the last leg of a business tour. I had to take a bus which in 4-5 hours would take me to my home town. I had heavy lunch and in the heat reached for my afternoon bus. The bus had arrived and was scheduled to start its journey in about half an hour. I boarded it and looked at my window seat that was reserved in advance, settled down and felt a bit heavy. I eased off in my seat and didn’t know when I slipped into deep sleep…
I had a strange vision. A young girl, who was about in her late teens, who had dyed her curly hair blondish was looking around in terror…
I opened one eye for a moment and drifted off again – this time I saw a vision of a stone structure like a village school with many girls of various ages sitting cross legged in the ground of that school. Some function was on in the school and few girls were dancing in front of the girls who were sitting.
I started walking off so as not to disturb them thinking about the blondish haired girl who seemed in distress. I didn’t know her. In fact, I never had seen her before. I also had neither seen the school before nor the girls who were seated cross legged in the ground of that school.
I saw a concrete structure beside the school and I couldn’t recognize the structure – it too was a structure I had never seen before. The main gate was closed and locked. I could see three stairways leading to three different levels of that structure and closed doors on each level and was wondering why I was there and I kept walking ahead. Then I boarded the bus I was travelling again and sat on my seat and closed my eyes.
To my amazement, I saw the blondish girl again – as terrified as she was few minutes ago. This time I saw faces of the mean looking men around her and they seemed menacing. Again they were faces I don’t recollect seeing before anywhere around me. The only thing I could understand was that the girl was in some sort of trouble – maybe she was kidnapped…
I looked around to see if I could do anything and I saw a police inspector on the seat one row ahead of me. I walked over to him and told him about the vision. He looked at me and laughed. I told him that I couldn’t get that vision off me and it had been repeating whenever I closed my eyes. I pleaded to him to check if any girl was missing anywhere – that will put my mind to rest.
He looked at me irritated but yielded to my pleading and called up the helpline to check on missing girl with curly blondish hair and asked me to sit beside him till police checked the information on missing persons. I sat beside him patiently waiting for any information of the girl I had visions of being kidnapped.
I closed my eyes again – the vision showed me the school again… this time girls sitting were screaming and running away from something. One of the girls was dancing a weird scary dance and looking at someone. Suddenly a missile kind of explosive struck her lifting and carrying her a few feet away from where she was and stuck her to the school wall and blasted… the sight was deadly and I opened my eyes again.
I related this vision to the inspector who looked at me with disbelief and spoke to his helpdesk again with the information I had given to him.
After sometime, his mobile rang and he answered it… looking astonished at first and then grim with determination. He looked at me and said, “Son, I think you are right in your vision. A girl has been shot to death using maybe a bazooka in a school during a function a few minutes ago. Not far from here. It’s about 50-60 kms on our way.”
I looked at him, “What is your plan to release the girl from maybe few dangerous kidnappers?”
“I want you to close your eyes again and give me the description of the place you are having visions…”
I closed my eyes again… This time I saw a single storeyed black stone walled school that had asbestos roof yellow in colour. I couldn’t see the name of the school as the blood of that girl smeared the name illegible… But I did see a row of classrooms, they were about 8 classrooms one after the other.
I walked to my left away from the school and entered a square in a small village. I approached the only person sitting there and reading a book called Kekacauan. He looked up from the book at me and smiled, “You are the author of this book, right? I love reading this book for the 5th time. It has cinematic action. Fantastic!” and he kept on reading as I walked ahead till I reached something that looked like an industrial complex building which was either recently built of seemed like under construction. My instincts told me that the blondish girl was somewhere in this building. I wanted to explore the building further when the inspector intervened my vision by shaking me hard. He wanted to know what else I have seen to pinpoint the place of that girl.
I described the places I saw in the vision and he got up from his seat and asked the bus driver to stop the bus. He related the information I gave him and looked at me and then at the driver, He instructed the bus driver to take the bus on a diversion that led into some remote road away from the highway and told the people sitting inside about the abduction of the blondish girl and a murder of a school girl. And why he was diverting the bus to the village of this abduction.
Soon the bus reached a village and I could recognise the school and saw police activity there… the bus slowly cruised on and I saw the square where a person was reading the book I authored but he was not to be seen around. We were at a fork and I looked around for the signs and asked the driver to take one of the roads of the fork. The bus stopped at the industrial complex building I had envisioned and the inspector along with the passengers jumped out. They stormed into the building to rescue the blondish girl.
The inspector held his hand to thank me and I woke up as the bus gave a jerk as it negotiated a speed breaker bump. It was pulling into a dhaba for a 15 minutes break journey. I realized I was dreaming all this time.
I looked around and saw a pretty looking woman in her late twenties with deep set of mysterious eyes looking intently at me. I looked dazed from the experience and wanted to get out of the bus for a desperate smoke along with a cup of hot tea. I also wanted to release the pressure building up on my bowels. She understood my need and gave way as she got up from her aisle seat and started off toward the exit of the bus.
I took my time out as the people in the bus had snacks and whatever they felt like having during the break. I was thinking about the dream I had seen during the first half of the travel in the bus. I knew I had not seen that blondish girl ever before. I had not seen the stone walled school in my life – not even in photographs. I had not seen an industrial complex like the one I had seen in my dream. How come I was able to imagine all these without any base of memory?
The bus driver sounded the horn to beckon all the passengers to get inside so that the latter part of journey could begin. I got into my seat to the smiling woman who sat beside me still looking at me with interest and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t know that woman nor had I met her before.
“You seem to have vivid dreams.” She still looked at me when she made her statement.
“Ya – I do dream and many times they are weird.” I told her truthfully not understanding why she was interested in my dreams.
“Hi – my name is Sushma and I am a student appearing for a PHD… I am studying and writing a paper on dreams and your way of dreaming attracted my attention.”
“How did you know I was dreaming?”
“The rapid movement of your eyeballs beneath your closed eyelids told me you were dreaming a vivid dream. If you don’t mind and if you remember I would like to know what kind of dream were you dreaming…”
“It is just another dream and I think it is a stupid one – so I will pass off and not speak about it – but, I will like to know about your studies on dreams – seems an interesting topic.”
“Ok – let me start by asking you a few things first before I can explain you what I study – that will enable you to understand the subject better. The study of dreams is scientifically called as Oneirology. We study about dream patterns and try to understand if there’s a scientific base to understand our dreams. It is an interesting topic but also you know the scientific study makes interesting topics boring and monotonous when you start classifying the topics into classification.” She smiled at me, “It simply takes out the intrigue from the topic and tries to make it simpler…”
“So what do the studies tell about dreams…” I wanted to know why I see such kind of dreams – they occur with me most of the times and almost every time I see people I don’t know about or I have never ever met before… This question was making the topic more interesting and intriguing. I wanted to know what dreams really are and why these kinds of dreams…
“Ok – let me explain what the studies all over the world have to suggest about type of dreams. You tell me what type of dreams amongst you normally dream of…” and I nodded as the interest in me knowing about the new topic grew.
“Few of the most common dreams people dream about are … Falling – you feel as if you are going to fall or you thing you are falling…”
I thought about it and found that I used to have this kind of feeling in my dreams when I was a child and I told her that.
“Children and few adults feel that their teeth are falling out…” I negated this aspect, “Showing to work naked” I negated that too – I never had a nightmare that I was naked running around in streets or public places, “Dying” I negated this as well – and she looked at me a bit weird and carried on…
“Do you dream of meeting with any celebrity?” I negated this one too…
“Do you feel someone chasing you in your dream?” I thought about it and said that it was a rare occurrence but I had dreamed of being chased – but mostly it was me who did the chasing part.
“Do you have dreams of your partner or your love interest cheating on you?” I negated it
“Do you see yourself flying?” and I said I used to have dreams of me flying but that was long time ago and currently I never had experienced anything like this.
“Ever experienced that you were driving or in a vehicle that is out of control and dashing around madly…” again it was a concept I had experienced a long time ago not recently.
“How many dreams are Recurrent when you see them?”
“Many dreams are recurrent – and I don’t understand them because I don’t know the people in them nor do I recognise the places in them.” I told her truthfully.
“Are these recurrent dreams threatening to you or like nightmares?”
“No. They are neither threatening nor are they any type of nightmares. They are few places and people I see again and again.”
“Do you see dead people in your dreams and if those dreams are sad or are they pleasant?”
“I do see people I know who are dead or out of my life in my dreams sometimes and those dreams are neither sad nor pleasant – they just appear out of nowhere and disappear the way they come after a dialogue or two.”
“How many dreams do you remember?”
“Many of them occupy my memory for a day or two and then dwindle off as new dreams take place in my memory, why?”
She had her notebook out and was noting my response. She looked at me, “These are a common phenomenon of dreams that people widely have described all over the world. Do you see your dreams in colour or are they black and white? Do you smell odours during your dreams and maybe taste food if you get to taste any food in your dreams?”
“I see dreams in colour – I know what coloured dress a particular person is wearing. I can see the colour of the hair if the colour of hair is not black. Yes I smell in my dreams and I taste food if I get to taste any dish in my dreams.”
“Do you suffer from migraine? Because this points to the studies that people suffering from this ailment normally smell and taste in their dreams.”
“No. I don’t suffer from it. Yes, migraine occurs maybe in a couple of years but it’s rare. To tell you something of interest, I have seen dreams where some situations, perhaps a dialogue have been said by someone who I know and later the same situation and the same dialogue has been said by the same person wearing the same dress… that seemed odd but it has occurred a number of times – though not on regular basis.”
“When you dream of something that later occurs in the future, is called a ‘Precognitive Dream’. Meaning, the dream seems to predict a future event; however, most experts agree that while it seems interesting, there’s little scientific evidence to definitively prove dreams can accurately foresee the future, and many occurrences are likely coincidences.”
“How come then the person says exactly the same words and in the exact same situation the way I have seen it during one of my dreams?”
“That is something which hasn’t been proven by science. A normal person would call it a Déjà Vu – meaning some sense which tells you what’s going to happen… Tell me something about the places you recurrently see in your dreams.”
“Well there are about 15-20 different places which I see regularly while dreaming. I don’t think I have seen them anywhere within the world I know – but I see them regularly. Like a society of condos next to a hazardously flowing river which is about to flood. Sometimes the river is dried up. The gate entering into the society is simple nothing great but it opens to a bridge on that river which is the only entry to it. No nightmares attached to it. That’s the only place I can remember now – but I am sure if I see those – I will be able to count 15-20 such regular places. But no person is the same unless some visitors I know of people in my life – not the living ones or the ones in touch with me – but the people who are either dead or not in touch with me…”
“Hmm… interesting…” She remarked and carried on “do these dreams hamper you in your daily life?”
“No. I know these are dreams and I able to put them off my mind when I am working. But, then, most of them are interesting and entertain me…”
“At any point of time, if the things are going in a wrong or uncomfortable direction – are you able to control the situation in your dream?”
“Yes – most of the time I can change the situation before they turn into a nightmare… like one of the dreams I remember where a lion was out in the streets where I was wandering and I meet the lion – it was turning into a nightmare – but then, I was able to tame lion and make it walk into the zoo where it was caged.” I laughed at the memory of that dream.
“This means you see a lucid dream.”
“What does that mean?”
“Lucid dreaming is where you are aware that you are dreaming while you are asleep. It’s a state of consciousness that combines aspects of both waking and dreaming and allowing you to control the happenings in the dream. These normally occur when you are not in deep sleep. It’s known as rapid eye movement sleep. These occur before you enter into a deep sleep… Tell me more about what type of dreams you dream – seems like you have a different types of dreams than most of the people.”
We kept on discussing about various dreams I see versus the dreams people see all along. I looked out of the window and realized that the bus was approaching the terminus. She came out with her visiting card and gave it to me saying she would like to keep in touch with me. I looked at the card it read Oneirologist and a Psychic. I looked at her and it seemed she could read the question in my mind – Psychic?
“Yes I am a psychic as well. I also am a hypnotist and use hypnotism to delve into minds of people to understand the dreams they dream. I think you are one of those rare people – I can say one in a million or perhaps one in a billion who can visit a parallel universe through the dreams and I want to explore this possibility… Call me when you get free…” Saying thus, she collected her handbag and started walking towards the exit of the bus. It had reached the terminus. I collected my sack and got off behind her. A car was waiting for her and she waived bye to me and drove off.
I kept thinking about my interaction I had with her and decided I am not going to contact any hypnotist who will be in a position to control my mind. I threw her visiting card in a dustbin nearby and walked off to my destination…
What is your say on this? What kind of dreams you dream? Any type of the dreams mentioned in this interaction with Sushma? – Let me know…
Do keep reading various stories and other articles on this website… bye for now…
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