Author’s Fore-Word:

As usual, the statutory warning…

This work is entirely fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your wild imagination… J

The first to be posted is a story I had formulated in late 1980s and had written it in basic form.

It was during the difficult period of the Chinese Virus called Covid-19 when I re-wrote this story and distributed it FREE over platforms like Facebook and Whatsapp – this was to entertain people who adhered to lockdown rules and stayed home fighting the situation prevalent at that time. I hope nobody has forgotten that grim period.

Now that I am starting this venture, I thought of posting this story here so that the person reading this story gets entertained.

This section will feature short thrilling or other stories I have written – it doesn’t make sense to get these printed as they would hardly cover 50-60 pages maximum and the cost to print and distribute is higher than what people would like to pay, unless I club these and convert these to one book of short stories.

I will be on the lookout for your feedback and comments which definitely will help me in writing better stories.

I deliberately write my stories in as simple English as possible to make it an easy read for those who have their second or the foreign language as English.

Starting with a short story called THE TEMPEST

Shadyantra (Meaning – The Conspiracy is one of the thrillers)

This is an offbeat story of an Indian Super Spy where he is comes in when the espionage world is facing a crisis. Someone or some organization is eliminating agents mainly in Indian sub-continent – left, right and centre… No reason for these eliminations and definitely no clue about which agency or who is involved in eliminating the agents around the world.

Initially, the story goes James Bond movie style for I wanted to give a tribute to one of my favourite characters in the sequel – Q.

This was immortalized by Desmond Llewelyn and I loved this character – once done, the story takes a turn and I revert to my way of relating the story.

People who have read this one also said that they loved the cheeky one liners in this story which had them smiling.

The story deals with different shades and levels of Conspiracy but in an entertaining way and the imagination as to what could few unscrupulous leaders (they may be anywhere around the world – even in country you live) would do to get what they want – money and power… How enemies can take advantage of such leaders in any country and ruin these countries.

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With a twisted imagination and a flair for the unexpected,
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