“Then we were ordered to line up with other girls who had been shortlisted. I was very scared knowing that I was among the one shortlisted. I wanted to run away, but my legs failed me.”

“I have seen such things in movies” Amar said, “They take the sacrificial person to the altar. Then a huge horrible looking man chops the head off in one swing of his huge axe.” He was now imagining things and relating it to the movies.

“We wouldn’t be so sacred if it was that simple.” Leela remarked adding to horror Amar was imagining. “They first chop off all your fingers, one by one, then they chant holy hymns, then they chop your limbs, again chant hymns and finally they chop off your head.”

“Oh! That’s crazy” Sajjan said in exasperation, “many would die due to loss of blood and pain as well due to shock & fear even before they think of chopping off the head.”

“Yes. This does happen.” Leela said, now hugging Sajjan’s arm in fear of her experience, “If this happens then they get the next chosen one from the selected and start the ritual all over. They have to hear the last scream of the selected girl before the head is chopped off.”

A cold wave of chill ran down the spines of Amar and Lajjo who now were completely involved in Leela’s narration.

“Then the priests had a meeting and declared that I was unanimously The Chosen One for the supreme sacrifice and the ritual will be carried out on the full moon. That was two nights ago.”

“Oh! Poor, dear you.” Lajjo was now feeling sympathetic.

“They selected two more girls from other tribes as next chosen one in case I die before the ritual is complete. We were very scared but had no choice and were helpless. All the three of us were then caged in separate huts with people guarding it and were treated to various types of delicacies in food with high nutrition – prepared for the sacrifice.”

Sajjan now put his hand around Leela noticing that she was shivering all the more.

“We pleaded and begged to be released but all on deaf ears. I don’t know what made me do that but I asked to see the priest of our tribe. He was my uncle and he loved me a lot.”

“Didn’t he do anything to save you?”

“It’s due to his help that I’m here and speaking to you. He told me that the only way to save myself would be if I asked if someone in the crowd was ready to marry me before I was taken to the sacrificial altar.”

“Well – This means the next chosen girl would be sacrificed.” Amar wondered.

“No – in fact, if someone decided to marry the sacrificial girl, the ritual will be put off completely. The selected girls will be blessed and sent back to their tribes and the official wedding will take place on the altar – Blessings of God.” she looked at Sajjan and hugged him, “I was about to be taken to the altar when I asked the priests if anyone in the crowd would like to marry me. I had little hope because nobody would dare. It would be God’s curse of taking His girl away from Him. Not only will the God curse him, but will curse his family and his tribe as well. Sajjan was there and he stood up saying he would marry me.”

“Well done Sajjanbhai” Amar patted his back proudly. Leela was at ease now. She knew they had accepted her along with her story and shifted a bit away from Sajjan.

“This was when I left for the jungle after meeting you.” Sajjan said, “The tribal head where I was visiting invited me to the ritual. I couldn’t see someone innocent being sacrificed for nothing. That’s how I met her. That’s how she is here, with me as my wife.” he smiled at Amar and Lajjo.

“You seem to be a messiah to her sent by God” Lajjo looked overwhelmed at Sajjan and Leela’s past. She looked at Leela, “Come here Leela”. Leela got up and crossed over to her and received a huge warm hug. “I understand dear,” Lajjo said still hugging Leela, “You have gone through a difficult time. But, never consider yourself to be alone. I hereby declare that from this moment onward – You are My Younger Sister.” The warmth of her hug assured Leela that Lajjo had accepted her and felt happy within.

“Let’s go and get some more buttermilk for everyone.” she said and they both vanished into the kitchen.

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