Shadyanta – Chapter Two – Part 2/2
He now had thought of a plan and his mind was working to finalize it. Hu Lin, the female agent he met the evening before had confirmed his doubts about…
Shadyanta – Chapter TWO – Part 1/2
He tossed and turned around but couldn’t shake away those innocent questioning eyes. Finally – He rolled over and sat upright in his bed, confused at this dream of his.…
Sudden Death: Chapter 4 Part 2/2
“First few months Kanika didn’t know this and she kept on waiting for his return. When she finally found out what had happened – she gave up food and water.…
Author’s Fore-Word: As usual, the statutory warning… This work is entirely fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your wild…
Shadyanta – Chapter One
He treaded softly but deftly in the dark through the jungle. Soon he reached the clearing he was briefed about. It was a stone house amid a jungle. In the…
Ninety Days – Chapter Four – Part 2/2
He saw a small town side restaurant. He entered and ordered for a tea and sat at a corner table where he had the entire view of the restaurant as…
Poetry: Enjoy the Present
Nor every moment could be captured, Neither every memory could be cherished! Nor every photo will have a flashback, Neither for clicking You’ll have a cashback! Then why for every…