Young adult/ adult romance fantasy novel, fictional characters. This book explores the different challenges faced in a love story and how the more obstacles come in a couples path the stronger their love continues to grow.

In my opinion this book has great value for people looking for a deeply absorbing love story. It displays difficulties involved in love matches and how life may have other plans for a true love as great as this, it does get somewhat steamy without any disrespectful tendencies which I personally loved. With regards to fantasy the book displays animals with majestic powers and nurturing displays of emotions towards their masters. Challenges experienced involve people/ circumstances coming between the couple throughout the book while giving it’s reader bliss showcasing the strength of the couples love. This book is for readers who are looking for a genuine love story, it displays real and raw feelings and emotion involved in a love match.


Carson(narrator) his story, the change and growth of this character is clearly displayed, his love for his partner is what shapes a brand new character.

Vallerie / Emersyn/ Silver / Lyla (female male character) these are some of her names which Carson uses throughout the book. She is an independent strong willed and constant character, we watch her evolve from being so guarded to becoming completely vulnerable

Sapphire (his wolf) mythical creature of great intelligence and strength, compared to a dire wolf.

Attarys (her horse) mythical creature strong and dominating, exceptionally protective of his master and is described as much larger than your typical idea of a horse.

Sentence structures are complex and elaborate while also being quite direct.
It is formally written although descriptions of acts and scenes in the book still manage portray the passion and feel of the characters and their poetic gestures. During action-packed scenes the pace is fast and during more sensual hopeful scenes the pace is flowing.

Personally I enjoyed every page of this book, it definitely deserves a reader who will pay attention to little details as this is what makes the book most interesting. I would definitely recommend this book, even for those who may not fancy fantasy, it is not what I expected, it was much more.

I don’t have much experience with fantasy novels nor am I a professional book reviewer but with regards to novels in general I would give this book a 10 out of 10, I see no flaws in this book, it was perfectly what I would enjoy reading any day of the week. And I would describe it as unputdownable.
For ages 18+

Thank you B for my personally signed copy of His wolf Her horse… Looking forward to book number 2 

His wolf Her horse
By Andrea Gounden
Lauren Bianca Maduray – Instagram

Lauren Maduray

My name is Lauren Maduray. I am from Durban South Africa and I have written 2 Fantasy Romance Novels.
'His Wolf Her Horse' now out 😍
'Bring It All Back' now out 🤩

It has been self published. I have also previously written a real-life comic book as well called The Shadower which is available on Amazon.
I have done my degree in psychological counselling and I used to to Cosplay for Marvel Characters 🙏🏻

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