“Who’s Sugandha?”

“Let’s find someone by that name in the list of those brothels – you got 35 by that name in Sonagachi.” she clicked on details one by one and he kept rejecting them.

“They are all licensed sex workers. I’m sure he has checked out all of them – he must have been on lookout for some specific Sugandha … search for someone by that name, working with some government office…”

She searched, “You have 455,000 of them – all over the country.”

“Looks like a pretty common name – what is the average age of these?”

“38 years.”

“Okay then, search for the one between 25 and 30 years… someone in senior position, enough to gain access to sensitive data.”

“Changing search parameters – ah! – there you are – 6842 of them.”

“I want you to look at their profiles and list them out as per their access to sensitive data.”


“Yes – all of them…”

“I have a better idea” she said getting off the chair she sat and pointed him to sit there, “You are the best judge – you do it…”

“You know I hate looking at those stupid computer screens – they simply don’t reciprocate my thought processes … and, what are you going to do?”

“Something important and immediate need – preparing something to fill the empty pits of our stomachs…” she teased his mocking scorn and left him to check the details.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked indignantly handing over a bowl of deliciously cooked rice to him, “this way – you’ll take ages to complete the search – shift over, I’ll check it.”

“This is why I rely on experts like you.”

He said thankfully sliding his chair to the side. She picked up a stool and sat on it and started to work on the list. She kept working on the list.

He was running out of his patience, “I’m going out – will return by evening – I hope this list will be done by then.” she nodded okay.

He travelled to central parts of Mumbai and dialled a number from a local telephone booth.

“Yes?” a voice boomed on the other side.

“Chief – any way to meet you secretly? – don’t want anyone to know I met you.”

“Now – I know that voice – Lion! – Glad to hear from you again. Where are you?”

“I’m in Mumbai – where and how can I meet you?”

“Tomorrow noon – Pune research centre – use the secret entrance – I‘ll keep the guard informed… Use the normal code…”

“I’ll be there.” he hung up.

He peeped into few joints his unofficial contacts used as their meeting points – no luck there. He travelled back using various transport modes making sure that he lost anyone who would be shadowing him.

Saloni had prepared a delicious meal which he ate with appetite looking at the data she had prepared.

“No. None of these seem to have access to valuable data.”

“How valuable?”

“Valuable enough to eliminate 200 plus agents of various agencies.”

“Maybe – we should be searching for some other Sugandha.”

“Exactly – She must hold some important position or be an assistant to high profile government person with access to valuable, sensitive data.”

“How can you be so sure about Sugandha – whoever she is…”

“Knowing Adil ur Rahman, he won’t search for any female – he will have sex with the first female he sets his eyes on – forget the name.”

“Yes – I understand – he looked for a specific female – didn’t pick up anyone – what’s your plan?”

“I’m meeting Chief tomorrow to check how he can help me in this search.”

“You joining back?”

“Not really – thinking of collaboration – only for this search. Could you book me a rental for tomorrow morning to Pune? – got to reach there by 11am…”

“Yes darling – whatever you say –“ she reached out to her phone and confirmed the cab and returned to see him sitting on that stool double checking her data to make sure that he hadn’t missed out on anyone important enough. She ran a loving finger on his back, “You got a night to kill…” she whispered.

“You are never satisfied – are you?”

“Ouch!” she exclaimed as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom…

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