Author’s Fore-Word:

As usual, the statutory warning

This work is entirely fiction and any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your wild imagination…

The mentality of humans is getting more and more, sick… The greed for Power, Money and Control, lead many to treachery and lowliest of deeds…

There’s a lack of Trust among people and more so – if you were involved with any secretive job or assignment.

In the jungle of espionage … where cloak & dagger culture reigns supreme … Only a LION can survive – the others get what they deserve – Death

Few work for the ‘Peace to the Word’ – Others against it…

This is a fictional story about such a world, sure to keep you wondering, when the twists in this story unfold … whether what your read is true or could be made possible by few miscreants of society… Keep thinking

On personal front: This is a story I outlined about a decade ago (somewhere in 2011) and shelved it for some reason – I had to rewrite it using the advancements in the technology of today’s world. This was supposed to be a follow up of a twister of an action story written by me (KEKACAUAN – This Can Happen To You) – I am still writing the story of Shadyantra II…

I always wanted to write a story on an Indian Super Spy … here’s the one I could think of and have tried to make it as entertaining as possible, to match the Super Spies of the World. The initial chapters of this book is like a James Bond story for I wanted to give a tribute to one of my favourite characters Q, mostly and consistently played by Desmond Llewlyn who passed away…

Without wasting any more time – let us start with the story…

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