Author’s Fore-Word

As usual, the statutory warning…

This work is entirely fiction and any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your wild imagination… J

The mentality of China is getting more and more sick…

The greed for Power, Money and World Control leads it to treachery and even to lowliest of deeds…

The rouge country, China is obsessed in grabbing other people’s land and forcing their regime on the innocent people there… and will go to any extent for grabbing the land… examples are Tibet, Southern Mongolia, East Turkistan, Manchuria, claims Taiwan, Vladivostok and Arunachal Pradesh as their own land, etc.

This is a fictional story, sure to keep you wondering, whenever, the twists in this story unfold … whether what your read is true or could be made possible by China… Keep thinking…

On personal front: This is a story I outlined during the Chinese standoff during the pandemic of Corona (the Chinese virus) and shelved it for the reason that I wanted to bring out the already written books [Akhand Hind Fauj, Shadyantra (You can consider this as the first part of the series), Kekacauan – This Can Happen To You] … This story initially was supposed to be a follow up of a twister of an action story written by me after a book written by me about a decade ago – a part two as a continuation of the character – Alisha Fire (which is yet unpublished) – So you have second part of Alisha Fire coming first. I will release first part – maybe later… Most probably I will host the first part here on the website… The reason for writing this is my anger on China for not containing the virus and letting millions of people die… in fact, I have a conviction that China let it spread deliberately to achieve its own hunger for world power… and be sure China will spread another virus again… soon …

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