Shadyanta – Chapter Two – Part 2/2
He now had thought of a plan and his mind was working to finalize it. Hu Lin, the female agent he met the evening before had confirmed his doubts about…
A website dedicated to fiction stories, including romance, action, thrillers, mystery, horror, psychological, and science fiction thrillers, as well as blogs, book reviews, and poetry.
He now had thought of a plan and his mind was working to finalize it. Hu Lin, the female agent he met the evening before had confirmed his doubts about…
He tossed and turned around but couldn’t shake away those innocent questioning eyes. Finally – He rolled over and sat upright in his bed, confused at this dream of his.…
He treaded softly but deftly in the dark through the jungle. Soon he reached the clearing he was briefed about. It was a stone house amid a jungle. In the…
Author’s Fore-Word: As usual, the statutory warning… This work is entirely fiction and any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your…