My Finacee’s Boyfriend – CHAPTER 3
Chaits was up early that Saturday. He wanted to meet this girl – Tanvi. He had known Guru all his life and was sure that Guru wasn’t someone who would…
A website dedicated to fiction stories, including romance, action, thrillers, mystery, horror, psychological, and science fiction thrillers, as well as blogs, book reviews, and poetry.
Chaits was up early that Saturday. He wanted to meet this girl – Tanvi. He had known Guru all his life and was sure that Guru wasn’t someone who would…
He woke up feeling excited at the thought of meeting up Guru. He started his car, all his memories cheering him up. Rustomjee’s was a joint near their pre-grad college…
Two weeks ago… Post China spread the pandemic of Covid-19 or infamously known as the Chinese virus which brought the world to a standstill. The world was returning to its…
It was about 8pm. Chaitanya had returned from a tiring tour. He freshened up while his mother served him his dinner. He had returned couple of days earlier so that…
Two months ago… It was a remote area in the forests of Poonch in Jammu & Kashmir. A team of specially trained forces were moving forward in a formation. This…
… Foreword from the Author … When you fail to distinguish the thin line of reality – A story like … … “ My Fiancée’s Boyfriend ” … … Happens…
Author’s Fore-Word As usual, the statutory warning… This work is entirely fiction and any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your…