He suddenly made some sound of exclamation, “Khan – I have every reason to think they have taken her to South Mumbai… Look at these places written in the notes… They seem to be located at Pydhonie or Mandvi – Look at these Al Ahad is a hotel, Al Mujtaba is guest house – other names are also featuring at the location. This may mean they have held her hostage at this location… else these names would not have featured in his mind…”

“I think you are correct in your deduction – let’s head toward the place, I will alert the force in plain clothes to accompany us there… they should have no whiff that we have understood the location.” and they left toward South Mumbai.

By the time they reached South Mumbai, the force in plain clothes were already at the location and the police force in plain clothes were scanning the area for any sign of the person whose snap they had on their mobiles.

They spent some time at a tea stall waiting for any news by the police force in plain clothes – some of them dressed as hawkers’ going into various lanes with items that would interest people – they were trying to see if any information can be gathered…

Inspector Khan suddenly was alert and nudged Major Chaitanya to look at a person who looked like the one in the recording. Chaitanya peeked at the snapshot in his phone and showed thumbs up to Khan confirming that he indeed was the terrorist they were looking for and they kept a watch as the terrorist bought few items from a shop nearby…

They started following the terrorist for his hideout location and alerted the NIA team of what they were doing. The terrorist also was wary of his whereabouts as his eyes kept scanning every person who looked like from the police force or could be dangerous to him or his mission.

They took turns to discreetly follow him so that he doesn’t feel threatened and walks into the hideout. Soon, the terrorist entered an old building in the area and Khan who was dressed in traditional plain clothes discreetly followed him into it. He looked as if he was visiting someone in that building. He signed to Chaitanya to stay put at the entrance of the building.

Khan returned in few minutes, “They are holed up on 3rd Floor. I have already asked my team who would be here in few minutes – hope they have not hurt Mohini. I want you to keep away as this is a NIA operation.”

“You cannot keep me away from this – you forget, Mohini is my fiancée and I am a soldier in Indian Army – I have done many covert operations like this one and I will go along with you… This is my mission too.”

Khan thought for a moment and nodded his consent. In few minutes, the NIA team of 12 members were at the entrance of the building as Khan gave instructions to them about how they would go in and try to apprehend the terrorists alive – they needed to be interrogated for more information. He handed over a revolver to Chaitanya and they stealthily climbed up to the 3rd floor and stood covering the entrance of the door.

They poised for minute or so confirming their positions to attack if need be… Khan then put a silly smile on his face and stood in front of the door ringing the doorbell.

An old man who looked scared, opened the main door to that place, “Who are you? What do you want?”

“I am the chaiwala (Tea vendor) round the corner. Just came here to confirm that you have placed an order for 10 cups of tea…” Khan replied even as Chaitanya who was hiding from the sight, was amazed at Khan’s acting skills. He looked and behaved like a chaiwala (Tea vendor)…

“No. We didn’t order anything…” he was cut short as the closed door to a room inside opened and a mean looking man entered the hall and stood next to him…

“Who is this guy?” he asked in a tone of uncertainty

“He is the local chaiwala round the corner – did you order chai (tea)?”

“No – I didn’t. Since he is here we will order 7 cups – 2 for you and 5 inside the room. Pay him and we will settle this later…” he said and walked back to the room and shut the door behind him.

“You heard him – 7 cups for us…” the old man reiterated.

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