“I know a lot more than that – in fact – even those things that have crossed your mind but you will deny that they did.”
“We share a common life – same story – same incidences…”
“You claim that you know everything about me – and I – know nothing about you … and that makes me nervous.”
“Hmm – in that case, let’s start somewhere – incidentally, even my name is Subbu Kumar – that’s the first common thing between us…”
“I think – that is the only common thing between us.” he said not liking the comparison between a handsome superstar and a limping, disfigured face…
“Oh! You think so? – Hear this – I was born on a stormy night – just like this one we are experiencing tonight. My father was away on the opposite side of the globe attending his meetings. ‘My Ramukaka’ had a tough time getting ‘my mother’ to the hospital…”
He looked at the man with the disfigured face in disbelief. It was as if he was reading out his life straight from his daily diary.
How could this guy know exact incidence as it was related – maybe Ramukaka must have told him…
“I grew up – alone – my father was always busy travelling and attending his business meetings till his plane crashed. My mother never had time from her kitty parties…”
Yet again – an exact coincidence in their lives. A film of cold sweat formed on his forehead as the guy with the disfigured face carried on …
“When I was your age, I was as handsome as you are … till this accident disfigured my face and maimed me for life. I was adamant, rude, unreasonable and always did opposite of whatever I was suggested. I never heeded any caution, nor was I nervous about my future. I thought my life was set and I was the master of my destiny…
But, then, fate had something else lined up for me – the accident – and I am still trying to fight my way out to change my destiny and wish I could avoid that accident – You are my only hope…”
“Hey – wait a minute – I don’t know you – how and why are you counting on me or my help – especially knowing that I always do the opposite of what is told to me or expected of me?”
“Don’t you see – our lives are exactly identical … I’ll say at least till the point of the accident. I fear you may meet up with an accident and I want to stop that from happening – only if you heed my advice… If you do – then, I can fight the fate and change my destiny…”
“You are out of your mind … Nobody can reverse what already has happened – it’s past and you can’t change it.”
“No. I’m not out of my mind. If you and me, we, can avoid an accident – I have a chance…”
“Are you trying to tell me that you are not alive and you want to put up a request to GOD who writes destiny for each event in the life and get it changed?”
“I’m alive. I’m a real person with real feelings of remorse of my adamant and unreasonable behavior that landed me in a situation like this. My handsome face is disfigured. I have a permanent disability and can’t walk properly on my own legs. I spent three years in hospital where they managed to repair whatever they could. I spent a fortune to fake my own death so that I could live a peaceful life of an incognito person…”
“Why don’t you tell me about this accident of yours… Maybe – I may keep it in my mind and pay heed.”
“I wish I could… I already have taken a high risk of coming all the way here to meet you. I know this kind of weather will keep me out of their scanning radars. All I want to say is take hints from what I say. Everything will be okay and you may get your answers too…”
To Be Continued…….
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