Needs and Wants
Needs are always met, but wants are endless!! Food is a need, but tasty food is a want.! A house is a need, but a lavish house is a want.!…
We Keep Waiting
We keep waiting for things to change, Though the pattern continues! We keep waiting for rules to change, So we keep protesting! But nothing changes! We march for justice, We…
The Beautiful Lies
The beautiful lies, once gently cast, Create a false world, boundless and vast. When harsh truths come to block the way, Forget it, they say. So easy to trust a…
Akhand Hind Fauj – Chapter 1
It was hot and dry in the desert of Rajasthan. The police were taking a traitor and a mafia don who was a political leader from a jail in Rajasthan…
Ninety Days – Chapter One
The news on the TV blared about happenings in a city where a crowd of protestors had crossed all the limits of madness in their feeling of hate against a…
Akhand Hind Fauj : Author’s foreword
As usual, the statutory warning… This work is entirely fiction and any resemblance to anyone, any place or any incidence is purely coincidental – or – maybe, your wild imagination……
Teaser : About this Section
We discussed with PD and decided to add a teaser section to the website. Here in this section, we will try and post few teaser chapters from his books –…