He looked out of the window into the darkness. The train was now at its best speed. Odd shaped sizes loomed up in quick succession, reflected by the dim lights of the compartment.

He was unmoved by the buzz inside the crowded compartment. He had a fixed fiery stare at the darkness outside.

He looked at the watch. According to his calculation, the train should be passing over a bridge on a wide river, crossing its vast expanse.

Any moment now … He pulled out his mobile phone and thought for a moment. He looked at the calling card that got pulled out along with his phone. It showed “V K Motors”.

Unwittingly, he crumpled the card even as he clenched his fist. Sure enough, the train did start passing over a bridge over the vast expanse of a river.

He smiled with a triumphant anticipation and threw the crumpled card along with his phone into the flowing river as the train passed over it.

He then, had a glum look on his face even as the feelings of remorse rebelled within – he realized – he had murdered about a dozen good men or more in his frenzy and in the heat of emotions … all for nothing…

What difference was it going to make if he now commits another murder – this time in cold blood

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